See, here is water, what hinders me from being baptized?
Philip said, If you believe with all your heart, it is lawful. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. - Acts 8:37
This past Sunday, Aug. 26th 2007, is now one of the happiest memories of my life. Let me explain why. Sunday, I got baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. As I went under the water, the following scripture came to mind.:
Or do YOU not know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Therefore we were buried with him through our baptism into his death, in order that, just as Christ was raised up from the dead through the glory of the Father, we also should likewise walk in a newness of life. - Romans 6:3,4
It was the above scripture that prodded me to want to be rebaptized. You see, I had been baptized before. I grew up as one of Jehovah's Witnesses. And at the age of 13 I wanted to be baptized. I understood at that time, that is was a dedication to God, and that I promised to serve him the rest of my life. That I was repentant of sins, and promised to try and sin no more. Now at 13 I was told that I was too young to be baptized, and there was a process of steps I had to take to "qualify" to be baptized. So I waited. Then at 16 I finally had "passed" their tests of knowledge, and was allowed to be baptized. I really did not fully understand the symbolism of being baptized, and I definately did not understand what being Baptized into Christ meant. At that time Jesus was not someone I understood or appreciated fully.
So I got baptized in front of friends and Family and a crowd of about 600. It was in a cold metal horse trough that I had to sit down in first and then be submerged by lying down. The man who baptized me was very cold, old and distant in the way he baptized me, assembly line like. I am glad it meant alot to me at the time, because it surely did not affect him, even though he had known me since I was a child, not even a smile passed his lips.
So WHY get baptized again? Well alot has happened since then. First I am no longer a part of the Jehovah's Witness organization. They "expelled" me for taking my stand with Jesus instead of them. And although in my heart I knew I loved God when I was orginally baptized in that religion, That is what it was, being baptized into a religion. Still I didn't necessarily feel compelled to be rebaptized. Mainly because I had been baptized once and had since recieved a spirit baptism, that completely changed my life. I felt that since I had recieve my spirit baptism that was all I needed.
Still though in my heart I wanted to do it right. And what was right you may ask? Romans 6. Understanding that I was being baptized into his death. And being raised up into life. A newness, a promise to my Lord that I want to be baptized into death, just as he was.
But Jesus said to them: "YOU do not know what YOU are asking for. Are YOU able to drink the cup which I am drinking, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am being baptized?" - Mark 10:38
I wanted to be baptized, fully understanding what it meant to be baptized in the name of Jesus. I wanted it to be all about my love and belief in him. I got my wish. This past weekend, my husband and I and friends, whom are now dearest family to me, went and found a secluded spot in a creek. It was in the middle of beautiful woods and the afternoon sun shined through the trees. The water was cold and invigorating, as minnows brushed against my legs. And I couldn't help thinking. "Now this is more like it!" No horse tank this time! I could almost see Jesus standing on the banks, smiling and saying, 'This time it will be right, for you are with me now, and here in the midst of my Father's creation." And so it was, perfect. We were all so happy, so at peace, and full of love. And this time, it wasn't a cold, uninterested man baptizing me, but the best of friend. After we had all been baptized, I walked back on the bank. I glanced down to see a white pebble. I had to smile for I love the following scripture:
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it. - Rev 2:17
Bending down to pick up my white pebble I noticed there were others right near it, actually one for each of us whom had undergone baptism that day. Gathering up the pebbles, I prayed thanks to the Father and my Lord, for such blessings... and my heart filled with song.

Read my about my Friend's and Husband's Baptisms
I was there and was baptised also. A great event!
Leaving the Watchtower isn't the end of existence, as most JW's think. Spiritual life continues; actually begins for the first time, in fact.
The great realisation is that acceptance by God is much deeper and far more meaningful than going to repetitive meetings, handing out magazines, and observing innumerable written and unwritten rules of some religious sub-culture.
If you are a person tired of feeling beaten by religion, its not Gods fault or the Bibles', so don't toss them out. Instead, take a hard look at what your religion waith all their mixed messages and inconsistences and ask yourself; "Does a God of TRUTH really work like the Watchtower does?".
The answer is, NO, he doesn't. Loose the religion and embrace Jesus Christ.
Mat 11:28 (Darby) "Come to me, all ye who labour and are burdened, and *I* will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest to your souls; for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
Acts 16:30, 31 (Darby) "And leading them out said, Sirs, what must I do that I may be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus and thou shalt be saved, thou and thy house."
Wow!!!!! Just now saw your post.Congartulations sis (((Hugs)))
Congrats on the baptism. May God bless you.
Dear Ann,
Now this is what is Christ all about. You have strengthened my belief that I need to be baptised in Jesus.
Though I am all alone living in a muslim country an ex muslim myself. And just do not know how to do it but Yeshua who has called me will somehow make arrangements I am positive. Dear Ann and your husband I beseach you both to pray for me to the Lord. On a personal note I am passing through a very tough time, I was never trained by the JWs to become a Christian really I am learning it all over again. So dear people you have been directed through Holy Spirit to guide me. Please do not stop praying for me I need you and besides God have no one absolutely no one to tell.
Your thankful brother in Jesus our Lord
Farhat Zubair
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