Monday, July 30, 2007

Song of Solomon chapter 2

Thought I would put up a few more things I found interesting in Chapter 2 of Song of Solomon.

There is so many beautiful paralells to be seen in this book!

The Shulamite:

Son 2:1 I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.

The rose of Sharon here is not the one we are familiar with that stems from China. In Bible times it is more than likely referring to a flower from a Bulb.. such as a lily or a crocus. I personally like the image of it being a lily since that is a persistant theme throughout the Song of Solomon. The fact that it was a bulb too, makes it even more beautiful. Just think. Everything that is needed to have such a beautiful flower, is already contained in the bulb. All it has to do is have some sun and water.. and you have a georgoes bloom. So too, is the shulamite.. or the bride of Christ. Holy Spirit is placed within the shells or "outergarments" of our flesh. That bulb, that is placed within us blossums and grows into a replica of Jesus,.. to create the beautiful flower his bride.

The Beloved:

Son 2:2 As a lily among brambles, so is my love among the young women.

The contrast is taken even further by Jesus. A lily, clothed in beauty, in contrast to thorns and brambles. Most images of thorns and brambles in the Bible is not used in any flattering manner. In Bible times the Bramble was used for fuel.. something to be burnt up and consumed... or used as a hedge. So here we have Jesus Bride a lily lovely, fair, and beautiful. Unlike the other daughters, who are prickly and undesirable because they do not relfect the "bulb" Jesus.

The Shulamite:

Son 2:3 As an apple tree among the trees of the forest, so is my beloved among the young men.

With great delight I sat in his shadow, and his fruit was sweet to my taste,Now the Bride says to her Lord how refreshing he is for her. He is as an apple tree among just ordinary trees. He restores and protects her, and place of conceilment for her. His shade delights her and fills her with admiration and love.

The fruit (food and love) he provides not only nourishs her, but endulges her taste buds, bringing her much pleasure.The apple mentioned here, more than likely refers to an apricot instead of the small bitter apples of Bible times. Puts forth a nice image doesn't it, the bride enjoying the eating of a soft, delightful apricot!.

Also that she calls him an apple tree can show that he is her focus or "apple of her eye".. that tiny reflection of an image we see in someone's eye. Yet he is not just the apple but the whole tree. The bride is consumed by Christ. Not just because he blesses her with so much fruit (love and assurance) but because of the strength of his branches, the refreshement of his shade. He gives her EVERYTHING she needs.. and she is overflowing from within in the abundence of his love.

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